Innovation for transformation

Let's collaborate to impact people's lives with the message of Jesus Christ

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Our vision

We want to see millions of individuals around the world starting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, growing as His disciples, and influencing their communities.

Our mission

Implementing innovative evangelism and discipleship for Poland and Partners worldwide.

What we do

Focus #1
Direct ministry

We focus on people’s spiritual health by using innovative and seeker-friendly methods, both online and offline, to reach people in Poland, Ukraine and English-speaking countries, to guide them on a transformative path of living with Jesus Christ.

Learn more about our ministries
Focus #2

Equipping partner ministries

We share our expertise and tools with other ministries to accelerate the spread of effective strategies and implementations of digital evangelism and discipleship worldwide.

Learn how can we collaborate

In collaboration with


Our expertise in digital evangelism and discipleship

Sixteen years of involvement and experimentation in digital ministry has taught us that using the internet, although not a shortcut, can be an effective way to reach and build-up a next generation of believers. We are happy to share lessons we’ve learned and best practices that may help your organization move quicker and produce better fruit.

Learn more about digital evangelism and discipleship

Our 2030 objectives.
Direct and with partners.




people starting their journey to Jesus


people walking with a Christian on that journey


people growing in their faith


people engaging in multiplication


Ready to make a transformation?

Explore opportunities and let's work together to create something amazing.

Image story

Our story of innovation for transformation

How can we connect with people to share the gospel? We’ve asked that question since we began in the mid 1970’s in Poland. We faced opposition from the communistic regime and needed to be creative and innovative. Learn more about us and our story.