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Learn moreThe message of DEOrecordings has remained unchanged over the last 40 years: pointing at Jesus through music and media. Gradually, an amateur, 10-member band that gave hundreds of concerts built – with God’s help – Poland’s first professional recording studio with European standards, the legendary DEOrecordings in Wisla, still active and operational. The equipment has been modernized, yet we kept the fully analog acoustic track for those who hear particularly well…
I. General statements
§ 1.
DEOrecordings Association, referred to as “the Association”, is functioning in accordance with the Polish Law on associations from April 7, 1989 (DzU Nr 20, Pos. 104 with later amendments).
§ 2.
The Association’s name is DEOrecordings Association, and also – alternatively – CCM Media.
§ 3.
The Association is a legal entity.
§ 4.
The duration of the Association is not determined.
§ 5.
The Association functions in the whole territory of Poland and abroad, the seat of the Association is the town Wisła.
§ 6.
1. The goals of the Association’s activity are promotion of Christian music, art and message in all aspects, the carrying- out of charitable activity, and also the development of social responsibility towards integrity, effectiveness, righteousness and openness to other nations.
2. The Association fulfills its goals for public benefit by carrying out:
3. By the religious creativity, referred to above, is meant creativity inspired by Christian beliefs, serving promotion of evangelical values in the spirit of ecumenism.
§ 7.
1. The Association is obtaining financial means for its statutory activity in ways determined in the Art. 33 of the Law of Associations, in this from:
2. For realization of its statutory goals the Association can establish specialized units and commercial entities, also enter economic cooperation with other entities.
3. The Association is not running autonomous economic activity – is a non-profit structure.
4. All income, including profits earned by and transferred from the dependent commercial entities, is allocated to its statutory goals. The Association declares as forbidden the granting of loans or warranties on the organization’s assets for any of its members, members of its governing bodies or employees and persons who are spouses of or who are related to employees both directly and indirectly up to second line of relationship, also for persons for whom Statut Stowarzyszenia DEOrecordings strona employees are foster parents or curates , below referred to as “closely related person”. Forbidden is transferring ownership of assets of the Association for its members, members of its governing bodies or employees and their closely related persons, especially when such a transfer is done free of charge or on preferential terms. Forbidden is using the assets of the Association by its members, members of its governing bodies or employees and closely related with them persons, on different terms than those applied to third persons, unless such use is implied by the statutory goal of the organization; Forbidden is purchasing by the Association on preferential terms goods and services from entities, in which participating persons are its members, members of its governing bodies or employees and closely related with them persons.
§ 8.
The Association can be a member of other organizations – including international entities – which are promoting religious creativity, charitable activities and culture in the understanding of § 7 item 2.
II. Rights and duties of members of the Association
§ 9.
1. An ordinary member of the Association can be a Polish or foreign person who is of at least 18 years of age, and who accepts and desires to support the goals of the Association and actively participates in its activity.
2. A supportive member of the Association can be a Polish or foreign person or a legal entity who accepts the goals of the Association and desires to support its activity by organizational and financial assistance.
3. A supportive member of the Association takes part in the General Assembly with advisory voice, without active or passive electoral rights.
§ 10.
Any ordinary member of the Association has the right to elect and be elected for the Association’s organs.
§ 11.
Any member of the Association has the right to participate in the activities of the Association and receive its assistance in the scope and manner determined by the Association’s organs.
§ 12.
The duty of the members of the Association is actively participating in the works of Association, paying the membership fees and honoring these Statutes and Motions of Association’s organs.
§ 13.
1. A person becomes an ordinary member of the Association if meeting the conditions listed under § 9 of these Statutes, and after submitting a declaration, is accepted into the membership by a Motion of the Board or of the Board Presidium.
2. A person becomes a supporting member of the Association if meeting the conditions listed under § 9 of these Statutes, and after submitting a declaration, is accepted into the membership by the Motion of the Board or of the Board Presidium.
3. After receiving a decision refusing acceptance into membership of the Association, appeal can be made to the General Assembly of Members within 30 days.
§ 14.
1.Termination of membership takes place in case of a resignation declared in writing and handed to the Board, and in case of expulsion from the membership of the Association by the Board’s decision because of:
2. After receiving an expulsion decision from the membership of the Association an appeal to the General Assembly of Members can be made within 30 days.
3. Until the appeal referred to in item 2. is considered, the appellant has a status of a suspended member.
III. The Association’s organs
§ 15.
The Association is governed by:
1. General Assembly of Members
2. Board, commonly called the Council of Association
3. Board Presidium
4. Auditing Committee
§ 16.
The Motions of the Association’s organs are accepted by the ordinary majority rule with at least half of their authorized members present, unless otherwise stated in these Statutes.
§ 17.
1. The highest organ of the Association is the General Assembly of Members.
2. For Motions of the General Assembly of Members to be valid when meeting in the 1st term, a presence of at least half of registered ordinary members of the Association is required.
3. In case of the 2nd term, Motions of General Assembly of Members are valid regardless of the number of participants present.
§ 18.
The General Assembly of Members has the following exclusive competencies:
§ 19.
1. The General Assembly of Members can act as Ordinary or Extraordinary.
2. The Ordinary General Assembly of Members is called at least once in 4 years.
3. The Ordinary General Assembly of Members hears the reports of the Board, Auditing Committee from their activities and grants a vote of confidence for the Board, also take Motions referred to under § 17 of these Statutes.
4. The Extraordinary General Assembly of Members can be called by the Board from its own initiative or on the Motion of the Auditing Committee.
5. The agenda for the Extraordinary General Assembly of Members can contain only matters outlined in this Motion and also appeals from Board decisions regarding membership matters.
§ 20.
1. The executive organ of the Association is the Board. The Board can select from its members the Board Presidium.
2. The Board consists of 5 up to 10 members elected for 4 years by the General Assembly of Members in an open vote. The Board Presidium consists of up to 3 members elected by the Board for 4 years.
3. In case of termination of membership of the Association a person who is a member of Board Presidium or in case of his resignation from the function, the Board has the right to co-opt another ordinary member of the Association
4. At least 1 member of the Board Presidium must be elected.
§ 21.
The competencies of the Board Presidium include managing the current activity of the Association, in particular:
1. representing the Association externally;
2. taking decisions for accepting or expelling members of the Association;
3. taking decisions for the scope and manner of carrying out the goals of the Association;
4. taking decisions regarding the economic activity carried out by the dependent entities owned by the Association.
5. employing staff and volunteers of the Association;
6. nominating plenipotentiaries, including the General Director, whose scope of authorization is determined by a separate Motion of the Board;
7. all other matters, unless reserved as competencies of other Association organs.
§ 22.
1. Every member of the Board Presidium is authorized to sign a declaration of intent on behalf of the Association.
2. Action which results in property management or accepting obligations above a limit value determined in a separate Motion of the Board, as well as the nomination of a plenipotentiary, requires in each case at least 4 Board members or at least 2 Board Presidium members.
3. Every Board plenipotentiary, including the General Director of the Association, is representing the Association within the limits of authorization granted to him.
§ 23.
1.The Board member can be employed in the Association or its dependent entities, however at least 5 Board members should fulfill their function voluntarily.
2. For signing and terminating the employment contract with a Board member, the General Assembly is authorizing a member of the Board Presidium. This authorized person can be also the General Director who also approves and accounts for the business travels of the Board members and signs these contracts with the Boards of dependent economic entities.
3. Terminating the employment contract with a Board member does not deny his rights connected with the function he bears in the Association.
4. Members of the Board and the Auditing Committee can receive reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses connected with the Board meeting or Auditing Committee meeting, as well as an agreed income, however, not exceeding the average monthly income in the enterprise sector announced by the President of the Main Statistical Office for the preceding year.
§ 24.
1. The competencies of the Board of the Association are:
2. Decisions of the Board are taken by an ordinary majority vote, with a possibility of a correspondence vote, including electronic mail.
§ 25.
1. The General Assembly of Members, on its first meeting, selects 3 members for the Auditing Committee from the ordinary Association members.
2. The Auditing Committee is a controlling organ for both the Association and a the dependent entities owned by the Association.
3. The Auditing Committee should carry out a complex check of the Association’s activity and economic activity carried out by the dependent entities at least once every year.
4. Members of the Auditing Committee cannot be members of the managing organ, nor be in family or employment relations with this organ.
5. Members of the Auditing Committee cannot be sentenced by a legally valid court sentence for any conscious crime.
IV. Final statements
§ 26.
Amendments of these Statutes can be introduced at any time by the Motion of the General Assembly of Members taken by a 2/3 majority in the presence of at least half of members.
§ 27.
1. Dissolution of the Association can take place by the Motion of the General Assembly of Members taken by a 2/3 majority.
2. The assets of the dissolved Association is to be disposed of according to the will of the General Assembly of Members.
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